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Sinclair Cambridge Programmable

Brief History
Sir Clive Sinclair's inventions are pretty small equipments: his first amplifier not greater than a coin announced in 1962, a year later a matchbox-sized pocket radio produced in series. His first pocket calculator, the Executive dated August 1972 did not have any differences in electronics in comparison of popular models, but its odd size and appearance made it a very successful hi-tech equipment. A year later was announced the Cambridge, which operates on standard penlight batteries. This machine was sold in DIY-kits, too. More Cambridge models followed that: scientific and programmable ones were built in the next years.

The basic model of the Cambridge series was an easy-to-use calculator, but the Programmable - which has the same design - became a really weird machine due to crowding a lot of functions to only 19 keys. The british-assembled Programmable uses CPU, display driver circuit and LED display made by National Semiconductor (USA), in addition to these components it has only one capacitor.

Cambridge Programmable was also sold in United States by Tandy as Radio Shack EC-4001.

Manufacturer:Sinclair Radionics Ltd. ()
Mfg. date:1977
Size:5,1×11,2×2,3 cm
Weight (ready for operate):96 g
Type:programmable scientific
Capacity:8/5+2 digits (input/display)
8+2 digits (internal precision)
Operating logic:algebraic
Registers:2 standard (with saving the pending operation)
1 constant (with saving the pending operation)
1 bracket (with saving the pending operation)
1 memory (without arithmetic)
Features:+/-change sign (direct entry of negative numbers) Ffloating-point notation Sciscientific (exponential) notation Sqrsquare root trigtrigonometrical functions (sin, cos, tan and inverses: arcsin, arccos, arctan) logexponential and logarithmical functions (10- and e-base)
Display:9 digit LED (NSC NSA0098)
Power:9V battery or adaptor
Programming method:keystroke-programmable
Program capacity:36 keystrokes
Test results:trigonometry:result of sin-1(cos-1(tan-1(tan(cos(sin(60°)))))), reference value: 60. 59.997798*
exponential:result of 0.999160000, reference value (first 14 digits): 3.0068804206375×10-70 2.775943E-70*

Cambridge Programmable

A Programmable belülről 1.

A Programmable belülről 2.
Detailed description
The calculator uses algebraic logic, so performing basic operations is easy. Because all the scientific and programmability functions must be assigned to only 19 keys, there are some unusual solutions. To perform the operation labelled above the keys, the ▲/▼ button must be pressed once before the desired key, while to perform the operation indicated below the keys, the ▲/▼ must be used twice. Pressing this key three times resets the default operation. Example: to use ex function press ▲/▼ ▲/▼ ex.

To input a decimal point, press the ./EE/- key. This key can be used to enter the exponent in case of using the exponential notation. So to enter the exponent to an integer number the ./EE/- key must be used twice. Pressing the ./EE/- one more time the exponent's sign will be set to negative, further pressing will be ignored. It is important to know, the function +/- (▲/▼ ▲/▼ +/-) changes the sign of the mantissa in all cases. Example: to enter -2.3×10-17, key in 2 ./EE/- 3 ▲/▼ ▲/▼ +/- ./EE/- 17 ./EE/-.

Constant handling is also unusual: the previously requested function will be done after pressing one of the four basic function key, using the = is ineffective. Example: Result of 2 + + ÷ = will be 0.125, because 2 + (2 =) 2x 1/x.

The functions used by scientific calculators can be used the same way, but the arguments of trigonometric functions must be determined in radians. To convert degrees to radians and vice versa, ▲/▼ ▲/▼ D→R or R→D can be used.

The Programmable supports one level of parentheses, the opening and closing bracket can be entered by keying ▲/▼ ().

This calculator has only one memory register, to enter the displaying number to memory press ▲/▼ sto. To display the contents of the memory, press ▲/▼ rcl. Exchanging the display and memory register can be accomplished by ▲/▼ ▲/▼ MEx.

To entering a program the machine must be set to Learn mode with pressing ▲/▼ learn. The readout is very unusual, but due to simplifying the circuitry, is the same as can be seen in exponential mode: the exponent shows the current program step number, integer portion of the base displays the identifier of the pressed key. The identifiers are: the appropriate number for number keys, for other keys there are blue markings below the key: A - ▲/▼, F - -, E - +, - - =, . - ×, G - ÷. When entering a program the last pressed key does not appear on the display, because the Programmable automatically forwards one step when a key is pressed. The program capacity is 36 steps. To exit programming mode, press C/CE.

To enter a new program, the program counter must be reset (▲/▼ ▲/▼ go to 00) to make the step 0 the first step of the new program, then press ▲/▼ learn to enter the Learn mode.

To verify a program, quit Learn mode (C/CE), press ▲/▼ ▲/▼ go to 00 keys, enter back Learn mode (▲/▼ learn), then pressing keys ▲/▼ step will step forward in the program and display the current step and stored key identifier.

For saving steps, the Programmable executes the function labelled above the appropriate key in a program (pressing key 7 the calculator executes sin function), so these functions will consume only one step. To use functions marked below the keys, the key ./EE/- () must be used, so these functions will consume two steps. To enter numbers into a program, ./EE/- ChN/# keys must be pressed. To restore the original state and exit number entering mode, press a arithmetic key or = key. For example: to program sin(0.8): ./EE/- ChN/# 0 ./EE/- 8 = sin.

Conditional and unconditional jumps can be used in programs: to jump to a step go to command must be used: after pressing ./EE/- go to keys, the target address must be entered in two digits. The go if neg command is similar to this, but jump is only made if the display register (X) contains negative number.

The end of the program must be entered with stop command.

To start the program, press RUN.

This is a sample program for calculating area of a circle:
StepKeyDisplay (for verifying)
00×..0000 00
01=-.0000 01
02×..0000 02
03./EE/-A.0000 03
04ChN/#3.0000 04
0533.0000 05
06./EE/-A.0000 06
0711.0000 07
0814.0000 08
0911.0000 09
1015.0000 10
1119.0000 11
1212.0000 12
13=-.0000 13
14stop (0)0.0000 14

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